Member Hotline 1800 808 614

Australian Food Super
Australian Food Super


Australian Food Super


MySuper is a simple and cost-effective superannuation investment option for members who have not made an investment choice within their super fund.

It is part of the Government’s “Stronger Super” package that is designed to help make our super system more efficient, while assisting members to maximise their retirement income.

MySuper products will have a standard set of features, such as low fees, a simple investment option and insurance cover.

This should allow members to compare funds more easily based on only a few key differences. It will also ensure that members don’t pay for any unnecessary features they don’t need or use.

This means:

  • If your employer nominates you for membership of Australian Food Super as the default fund, your contributions will automatically be directed into MySuper.
  • If you’re a member who has not made an investment choice, your account balance and ongoing contributions will be directed into MySuper.
  • If you have elected to have all or part of your account balance and contributions invested in any of our other eight investment options (Secure, Capital Stable, Balanced, Growth, Australian Shares, International Shares, Property and Alternatives) then that portion will not be in MySuper.

If you have any questions about Australian Food Super MySuper, call the Member Hotline on 1800 808 614.